Saturday, February 21, 2015

Assignment 2 The Journey

Sequence 01 from Kelli Manning on Vimeo.

Decided to do the "self portrait" as my daily walk i take to class every day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelli,

    Well, I have a few thoughts here. I'm not sure what is revealed about you by your walk to class, especially since we begin with leaving your apartment, the interior of which may have revealed some interesting details, and stop at the door to the university building. So we really have more of a landscape piece than a portrait, though it is kind of interesting to think about the specific route you take, particularly if it could be somehow mapped and juxtaposed with the route's of other students. That kind of build up of data might be an interesting kind of "portrait" of a large group of people. But with what is present here, I'm feeling a little lost. It doesn't feel like there's enough information.

    On a formal level, there are a few things I might advise for future videos:

    When using a phone camera, I think it usually works better to orient the frame horizontally, unless there's something specific you intend with the vertically oriented frame. There is some interesting formal play with the doorways and the shape of the frame, but it doesn't go far enough to feel totally intentional. Someone like Bill Viola regularly makes use of the vertically oriented frame to reference earlier painted forms of portraiture, and you might take a look at these if that's something you continue to be interested in.

    The music you used is fine, though I don't know if the whimsical tone it gives the video really supports it the best. But it keeps playing long after the image is over. You might cut off the end of the audio track and fade it out.

    This video feels a little undercooked to me. You might spend a bit more time pre visualizing the next project.
