Tuesday, February 3, 2015

here's my late submission of the first video exercise/project.
word of warning: shots were taken w/ my camera phone, so the quality is uh, less than desirable.

ILLUMINATE 2 from Grace Kim on Vimeo.


  1. I really like it, I wish it had been a bit longer

  2. It feels incomplete but nice start.

  3. Grace,

    I like the interactions you have here between all the different light sources and the music. I agree with what was said above, it could be developed a little further, and have a clean transition in and out. It's just really short and really abrupt right now. But you do some nice things in terms of directing our visual attention to things we might not otherwise notice. I can see how some similar ideas are explored more completely in your second video. If the progression you've initiated with these two continues, I'll be very excited to see what the third holds!

