Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Ontology of the Photographic Image Reading Response

      This passage from Andre Bazin's book was a very interesting view on the art of photography. "It is this religious use, then, that lays bare the primordial function of statuary, namely, the preservation of life by a representation of life." I enjoyed this sentence because he is comparing the mummification of bodies to photography. How a photograph can immortalize human being or a period in time by preserving that moment in a piece of paper. He also talks about how painting, at that time much more popular that photography, can also try to achieve that goal, but no matter how realistic looking the painting is it will never match up to the reality of a photograph.
      Bazin calls painting an inferior art form to photography which is interesting because many people see it the other way around. I honestly used to think that photography was not an art form until i took a photography class. There is so much planning and other things that an artist needs to know to capture a beautiful photo.

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