Friday, February 13, 2015

Portrait project edit

Portrait of a country boy turned city from michael myers on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michael,

    Interesting stuff here! You got some really good interactions with your father, and some really nice footage to accompany it. This feels like a really ambitious piece, and for that reason, it may still need a little more time to cook, so to speak. I think you could expanded it quite a bit in terms of the kinds of footage you capture to compliment the voiceover. But i'll try to first address what you have here.

    In terms of the edit, it feels like it's still in progress and has some holes in it, but there are some really good interactions between image and sound going on. I think you might be going a little heavy on the effects. I would try to hold back a little more and use them more like punctuations or interludes rather than it being sort of the default state of the image. Because the interview has a lot of realism to it, I think an image track that is more grounded in the real might be productive, unless it there's something that really needs to push it into a more impressionistic space, which is where the image is now. I also think there might still be too much of the skyline. The footage is really nice, and it does give us a sense of setting, but I think I would try to gather more imagery of the Ceders specifically, rather than just it's proximity to Dallas. There are a few lines in the dialog that support the heavy use of the city, such as when your father says "it's just 3 minutes out of town" or something along those lines. Also, when he starts talking about farms in east texas (I think that's right), it might be useful to explore those landscapes visually as well, to provide counterpoint to the heavily urban environment.

    The current holes in the audio are pretty distracting. I wonder if you can fill these with some ambient audio of the spaces you were shooting in, whether of the streets, the room tone of the house, the sound of the car as you were driving, etc. just to give it a little atmosphere. Then put some quick fade ins and fade outs on the dialog audio.

    I also think it might be helpful to divide this piece into sections. Maybe you start by working with the dialog and see how it splits into different little "chapters" or sequences, then build up the image track to match the tone of each sequence. If you can make these visually distinct, but have them progress naturally into one another, I think you'd have a great structure for this piece. Give it a try in a new Premiere sequence.

    I think there's a lot of strength here, and tons of potential. You're father is an interesting character. I think you could expand this piece into something larger. I just think it needs a little more organization. I'd encourage you to keep working on it.
