Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Essay Response( Broughton & Brakhage)

  Both writers were deeply drown under the philosophical state. Both writers were describing the purity of consciousness via literature. We can see great discovery of visual poetry on the writer’s documentation.  It is not a non-sense, but a fact that artists have different vision than normal humans have. They can animate world with their thinking. 

 Broughton’s “Coming into focus” is underpinned with various great peoples word that relates to revolution in the forum of art. According to his article, Broughton writes that “Then, as St. Augustine advised, Love God, and do what you will.’’ These sort of sentences are providing us a knowledge that do not afraid of experiencing something different, crossing the border line or limit. 

Similarly, while doing a survey on Brakhage essay “From Metaphors on Vision,” we can easily flesh out another visual poetry. The writer is presenting a glory of vision through words. An abstract vision which is almost anti nature.  Brakhage a-one style of curating vision is incredibly thoughtful and nerve breaking. 

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