Thursday, January 29, 2015

Red Cross Trailer from michael myers on Vimeo.


  1. I've never been inside the Red Cross trailer, so this was pretty cool to watch. I like the different perspectives you used. Probably could've taken the sound off, I don't think it really adds anything to the video, especially when a lot of it is just them talking and listening to music. Probably could shorten it a bit too, as a lot of the scenes are just the same thing for extended periods of time. But other than that good job.

    1. thanks for the feedback Megan. I agree on what you said about the sound. I guess I just wasn't sure while editing whether it was supplementary to the scene.

  2. I think the extreme closeups worked very well for those shots. I don't think your wide shots worked as effectively. Also, when panning across the red cross logo, it might have been more invigorating to see a straight on shot that was dollied across instead of panned. Yea, Megan makes a good argument about the sound. I personally think that the shots of the blood invoke a visceral sensation that was very captivating, yet was distracted by the other edits and the sound. I wish you pushed that further.

    1. Thanks Matt, you're right on all fronts. This has been a learning experience. I had that thought about the dolly at the time but was afraid it would be too wobbly. In hindsight it would have been better to pick and choose successful shots instead of trying to expand existing content.

  3. The video has a lot of potential; maybe you could not explore the room because you did not wanted to be in way of the nurses. Some shots are captivating, such as the fluid traveling through the tube. I can see were you have focus or zoomed into the machines or the needles or the nurses hands. As we move forward and practice editing, it will help you in presenting your next project. Keep it up the good work.

  4. Good work mate! Shots are amazing. If you can cut some shots a-bit smaller while editing, then it would be great.

  5. I thought that the subject of the video was a very strong choice. The only thing that really hinders this film is that it feels like a lot of unedited content, running 3 minutes long with some reused shots and some shots that certainly didn't need to make it into the cut. Not bad or terrible really, it would just benefit from being run through with a comb.

  6. You really did a good job on telling a story in first person. It really feels like I'm sitting in your chair with a tube stuck up my vein. I personally like the sounds that go with it. Giving blood can be an uneasy experience and those beeping sounds along with unintelligible voices made me nervous. There is not really much about your style that I would change.
