Friday, January 30, 2015


Untitled Project from Santosh_Thapa on Vimeo.


  1. Nice editing, I like how the sound almost correlates to the images, giving them an extra edge to them. Maybe shorten the black at the end a bit? I felt it might have gone on a bit longer than I would have expected. I liked how some scenes were out of focus while others where really detailed and sharp. Nice work.

  2. I liked the "glitchy" feel with this video, though I'm trying to figure out what the focus was. The marimba reminded me a bit of the music from mexico we'd have to listen to for academic decathlon back in high school so that brought back some memories for me. I didn't get the random sound effects like the sudden bell ringing or the obligatory "red alert" iphone alarm. I liked the transition from around 30 seconds til 40 seconds but I'm not sure what you meant by "Trial Expired" if that was intentional or you used a software that left a watermark.

  3. In a forgotten world of laundry, who dares to explorer this forgotten land? As previously stated by colleagues your editing is great. The use of sound and video works for me, panning into the crevices around the socks and focusing on the textures of the fabric was a good plan.

  4. Thank you everyone.
    @ Matt Leslie; You're right ! The "trail expired" was actually a watermark of a software that I intentionally used to experiment on the video. The whole video was an experiment. From shots to music arrangement, everything was an experiment. The video declares the main entry point, but it does not inform viewers about its ending point. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank-You

  5. In particular, the editing and use of effects was very strong. The transitions between the various video clips seemed very consistent and helped bring a sense of unity to the distinct segments. The music and sound used well accompanies the shots in the video.
    There's not really much to say in regards to what could be improved, I don't think. Good show all around.

  6. It was really great! It gave me the feeling of waiting for a train to go home. It seemed almost like you were on a train and maybe even in a rush to get where you were going.

  7. I saw this in class and was intrigued by the techniques you are trying. The design you created is really authentic and works well with that frame with your car window. It looked as if everything was moving left to right until the zoom in transition of the socks. Overall, it is very interesting and can be observed as a successful experiment.

  8. You got some really really cool shots on this one. I'm a big fan of camera movement. I'm not entirely sure how you got that zooming and dolling into the frame but it looked really cool. I assume you used some type of slider or homemade device? My only issue is for the headphone users who might go deaf with the high audio levels.

  9. Great work, and great comments everyone. There are several individual shots here that feel really strong to me, and to some degree, it feels like an exploration of those formal elements we've been discussing, such as zooming vs. dollying the camera, or deep vs. shallow focus. There also seems to be something about the overlay of digital technologies on different aspects of our life. Like what was mentioned above, I was initially confused by the sound track, things that seemed to be alarms set on ones phone. It definitely gives a sense of anxiety to the piece. The weird wing-dings overlay at the very beginning also hints at technology affecting how we see. It flattens out the depth of the image, and also has associations with...well, early 90's microsoft / internet aesthetics I guess. Since the assignment is about seeing, I think this is an interesting example of how the sound can affect the way we see the images. Because of the anxious and brooding sound track, I read several of the shots differently than I would were I only thinking about seeing something deeply.

    There are a couple things you've got going on that I'm not sure are really serving you, though. For example, the effects you've put on several of the shots close to the beginning announce themselves as effects. That's not always a bad thing, and in fact, in a lot of more recent video art, it has been more of a trend to acknowledge the software that was part of the process of making the piece. But in particular, filters like the "film damage" or whatever really turn me off. This may be because I still work with celluloid on a regular basis and I can instantly see the difference, but I also think it is a weird way where video pretends to be film. Anyway, that's one of my initial critiques is steer clear of that filter (It's kind of like the comic sans of video). I'm also having a little bit of trouble associating all the images together. It seems that we initially start with a series of exteriors, traffic, highly degraded, zoomed in images of cars. Then we have a transition to an interior. Some of the things you're doing with filters at this point are actually really great, like making the image stutter in different ways. I also am interested in the "trial expired" text with the record symbol on it, and I'm excited to read that you were experimenting with lots of different software to get the end result. But I'm not sure I totally know how to tie it together yet. It does contribute to a sense of someone being behind the camera and thinking about inhabiting their vision, but there are other things in the video that work against that. I'd encourage some clarity there, or at least clearer tension between the two modes.

    Last thing I'll say: There's something that interests me in your tendency toward really grainy images, especially in an assignment that is about vision. I get the sense that this is more like "camera vision", which is to say, an articulation of how the camera sees, which is not at all dependent on the way we see. Though we may have a hard time making out an image, the camera is still, technically, behaving correctly. I wonder if this is something you're interested in pushing further in subsequent projects?

  10. @ Mike Morris. I do apologize for late response. Well, the vision of video is attempting to show us about a dream state of a victim or a person. We have no idea, what is our next glitch while dreaming, because dream is compromised with various scenarios, glitches, emotions etc. Likewise, the video b-roll of different images,grainy effect with an untitled video naming convention are a pseudo form of dream that I want to show everyone in the assignment workshop. We do not name what kind of dream I am going to see tonight and what appears as a result while dreaming.
    Honestly, I am new with sound technologies, and I do not have perfect answer for the experimental sound, because we have no idea how dream sounds like. However, I am trying to give my purity as much as possible by mimicking the circumstances and state of being anxious.
    I really appreciate for your wonderful comments, and I hope to learn more in this class. Thank You
